Kindersichere Verschlüsse
Child-resistant closures at Origin are compatible with our plastic bottle packaging und glass bottle packaging and provide effective protection for children. These encompass a wide range of designs, available in many different colours and shapes to best meet your preferences.
Suitable for a wide range of industries, from pharmacy packaging to controlled substance packaging, our child-resistant closures meet many stringent industry requirements to safely contain your product. Origin offers premier solutions for child-resistant closures.
1–12 von 13 Ergebnissen werden angezeigt
CuboPac™ Bernstein Rechteckige Tablettenflasche
- ✓Rechteckige Tablettenflasche in braun
- ✓Traditionelle Tablettenflaschenform
- ✓100% recyclingfähig
10 ml Tropfflaschen aus PET-Kunststoff mit kindersicheren Verschlüssen
- ✓Zugelassen nach ISO8317 CR
- ✓Flaschen in mehreren Farben
- ✓Aufgeprägtes Warndreieck
Kindersicherer PP-Verschluss transparent mit Tropferspitze
- ✓CR-Verschlusssystem
- ✓Voll akkreditiert
- ✓Manipulationssicher
- ✓Inklusive Spitze
Kindersicherer PP-Verschluss grün mit Tropferspitze
- ✓CR-Verschlusssystem
- ✓Voll akkreditiert
- ✓Manipulationssicher
Kindersicherer PP-Verschluss rot
- ✓CR-Verschlusssystem
- ✓Voll akkreditiert
- ✓Manipulationssicher
Kindersichere Zerstäuberpumpe
- ✓CR-Pumpzerstäuber
- ✓Offizielle Dokumentation
- ✓Mehrfachnutzung
TE, Kindersichere Glaspipette
- ✓T/E- und CR-Design
- ✓Höchste Produktintegrität
- ✓Lochverschluss aus HDPE
Manipulations- und kindersicherer Verschluss
- ✓Hergestellt aus Polypropylen
- ✓Vartianten mit eingebautem oder separatem Innentropfer
- ✓Variante mit vormontierter Pipette
Vormontierter Verschluss mit Ballon und Pipette
- ✓Breite Auswahl an kompatiblen Behältern
- ✓Manipulationssichere und nicht-manipulationssichere Varianten verfügbar
- ✓Verschlüsse sind in Weiß oder Schwarz erhältlich
Kindersichere Tropfdeckel
- ✓Feingerippte kindersichere Tropfverschlüsse
- ✓Anleitung zum Öffnen auf der Verschlussoberseite
- ✓Variante mit integriertem Tropfer erhältlich
Kindersicherer Medi-Loc®-Verschluss
- ✓Schnelle und einfache Größenerkennung durch Farbcodierung
- ✓Höchste Qualität
- ✓Kindersicher
Kindersichere PP28-Verschlüsse
- ✓Erhöhte Nachhaltigkeit (weniger Polymere)
- ✓Zugelassen nach ISO8317
- ✓Zugelassen nach 16CFR1700.20
- ✓Leicht
Dependable Child-Resistant Closures
Origin is an expert in producing child-resistant packaging, including a range of closures, such as traditional twist caps, atomisers, pipettes, droppers, and more.
As an industry leader in pharmazeutische Verpackungen, Origin products are designed to provide a safe and secure way to access healthcare and medical products, including tablets, powders, liquids, and aromatherapy products.
All our child-proof products are developed by our expert team of designers and technologists in our world-class global manufacturing facilities. So, you get peace of mind that every product features the latest child-resistant technology.
Safe, Secure, and Intuitive Child-Resistant Caps
Origin child-resistant closures are designed to prevent children from accidentally accessing harmful products. Our child-resistant caps also meet the highest industry standards, being ISO8317 and 16 CFR 1700.20-approved and CRC-compliant.
Our closures include child-resistant mechanisms without compromising on performance. Additionally, they are designed to offer an intuitive and effortless experience, such as accurate dropper dosages and mist sprays.
You can view our range of child-resistant closures to find a compatible product for your bottles and containers.
Kontaktieren Sie uns
To protect against accidental misuse and adhere to industry standards, our child-resistant closures are the optimal choice. If you’d like to trial our closures before placing an order, you can request a free SpeedSample for many of the above options that can be delivered to you between 24 and 48 hours later.
For more child-resistant packaging options, you can also find child-resistant bottles, child-resistant containers und child-resistant dropper bottles in our diverse selection.
If you’d like to know more about our child-resistant closures or have any questions about our services, contact us today and a member of our team will be happy to help.