Here to Help:


Bieten Sie kostenlosen Versand an?

Weil der Versand an sich nie kostenlos ist, müssen die Kosten entweder vom Käufer oder vom Verkäufer getragen werden. Wenn Ihr Bestellwert jedoch über £450,00 exkl. MwSt. liegt, senden wir Ihnen die Ware aus Kulanz portofrei zu.

Die Standardlieferzeit beträgt 3 - 5 Werktage. Der von uns benutzte Eco Service liefert in der Regel innerhalb von 3 Tagen, aber aufgrund aktueller Transportprobleme planen wir bis zu 5 Tage ein.

Ja, wir liefern weltweit. Wir bieten Preise ab Werk an, während die Abholung vom Kunden veranlasst wird.

Ja, wir bieten die Lieferung am nächsten Tag gegen einen Aufpreis von £10,00 pro Palette an. Der Annahmeschluss ist um 12:00 Uhr.

Diese Dienstleistung wird je nach Schwierigkeitsgrad der Anforderung gesondert berechnet.

Wir sind flexibel und bieten unsere Produkte in Paketen oder palettenweise an.

Wir füllen unsere Bestände ständig auf und verfügen über ein nationales Vertriebszentrum mit einer Fläche von ca. 8.000 Quadratmetern.


Sind Ihre Plastikdosen recycelbar?

Wir legen großen Wert auf die Beschaffung von recycelbaren Materialien und betrachten dies als einen Teil unseres Unternehmensethos des ethischen Handels und der Sorge um die Umwelt.

Das hängt ganz von der Wahl der Komponenten ab. Unsere Glasröhren können recycelt werden. Neben Glühbirnen aus Naturkautschuk haben wir auch recycelbare HDPE- und LDPE-Deckel auf Lager.

Wir bieten eine Reihe von umweltfreundlichen PET-, LDPE- und HDPE-Glasflaschen an.

In der Branche gibt es dazu unterschiedliche Meinungen: Glas gilt als umweltfreundlicher als Kunststoff, weil es sich leicht recyceln lässt. Betracht man aber den Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck, erfordert das Glasrecycling eine enorme Menge an Energie.

Bei der Herstellung von Kunststoffverpackungen werden mehrere verschiedene Folientypen (Polymere) verwendet. Neben dünnen Aluminiumschichten, die als Feuchtigkeitsbarriere dienen, kommen auch weitere Arten von polymeren Kunststoffen zum Einsatz, um bestimmte Eigenschaften zu erreichen (z. B. Biegsamkeit).

Unser Team kann Ihnen helfen, in Zusammenarbeit Ihre eigene (maßgeschneiderte) nachhaltige Verpackungslösung zu entwickeln (z. B. diverse Pipettenkomponenten, Kunststoff- oder Glasflaschen, Aluminium- oder Kunststoffdeckel).

Wir bieten Aluminiumdeckeln in mehreren verschiedenen Größen an.


Wie können wir mit Ihnen zur ständigen Versorgung unserer wachsenden und sich weiterentwickelnden Marke zusammenarbeiten?

Wir bereiten langfristige Abrufe, vertragliche Vereinbarungen und alles, was Sie benötigen, vor und sorgen dafür, dass Ihre Lieferkettenlösung die Grundlage für den Erfolg Ihres Unternehmens bildet.

Wegen der Spezifik unseres Prozesses und unseres Kundenstamms teilen wir die Packungsgrößen nicht auf und arbeiten am effizientesten mit Palettenmengen.

Wir verfügen über eine separate Einrichtung, die ausschließlich der Lagerhaltung und dem Vertrieb dient. Unser Sortiment beschränkt sich nicht nur auf das, was wir auf Lager haben. Dank unserer Partnerschaften und guter Beziehungen innerhalb der Lieferkette sorgen wir dafür, dass unser Sortiment kontinuierlich erweitert wird.

Nein, sonst würde es sich nicht um eine MINDESTbestellmenge handeln. Für die Abwicklung kleinerer Bestellungen haben wir zuverlässige Händler, die sicherlich in der Lage sein werden, Sie mit unseren Produkten in genau den von Ihnen gewünschten Mengen zu beliefern.

Bitte wenden Sie sich an unsere freundlichen Kundendienstteams für ein Echtzeit-Update zu den Lagerbeständen der Artikel, an denen Sie interessiert sind.


Was ist Vorlaufzeit?

Die Vorlaufzeiten hängen von dem gekauften Produkt sowie von der Art des Projekts ab, für das Sie uns engagieren. Die Herstellung einer maßgefertigten Flasche nimmt einige Wochen in Anspruch, da das Werkzeug für die Flasche vor seiner Anfertigung erst mehrere Entwicklungsphasen (Design) durchlaufen muss.

Wir investieren ständig in unsere Systeme und unser Transportnetz, um unsere Lieferzeiten noch effizienter zu verkürzen.


Welche Glasfarbe eignet sich besser für CBD-Öle/Produkte?

Dunkleres (braunes und grünes) Glas eignet sich für CBD-Öle besser, da es die Flüssigkeit vor UV-Strahlen schützt und dadurch die Qualität und Integrität des flüssigen Produkts erhält.

Im Rahmen unserer umfassenden und nachhaltigen Strategie stellen wir einen Teil unserer Glasflaschen aus recycelbarem Glas her. Sprechen Sie noch heute mit einem unserer Mitarbeiter, um eine für Sie passende Glasflasche zu finden.

Bei dem für pharmazeutische Behältnisse verwendeten Glas handelt es sich entweder um Borosilikatglas (neutral) oder um Natron-Kalk-Silikatglas. Pharmazeutische Glasflaschen werden nach wie vor aus Rohmaterial hergestellt; Typ I, Typ I und Typ III werden jedoch je nach ihrer Zielverwendung (Lagerung von Pulvern oder Flüssigkeiten) unterschiedlichen Verfahren unterzogen.

Braun-, Kobalt- und Grünglasbehälter bieten den besten UV-Schutz für Produkte, die anfällig für Schäden durch direktes Licht sind. Jede Glasfarbe sorgt für einen unterschiedlich starken Schutz vor UV-Licht, wobei Braun den höchsten, Kobalt einen mittleren und Grün den niedrigsten Schutz bietet.

Das Volumen der pro Jahr hergestellten Braunglasflaschen geht in die Milliarden. Da die Nachfrage nach blauen und grünen Flaschen geringer ist, sind sie dementsprechend teurer. Die Größenvorteile spielen bei der Preisgestaltung von Farbglasflaschen eine wichtige Rolle.

Braunglasflaschen bieten den besten Schutz vor UV-Strahlen und möglichen Lichtschäden am Produkt in der Flasche. Braunglas eignet sich hervorragend zur Aufbewahrung von abgefüllten Substanzen über längere Zeiträume hinweg.

Vor allem Miron-Glas (dunkles Glas) lässt nur violette, ultraviolette und infrarote Strahlen durch. Es wirkt wie ein natürlicher Filter und blockiert die anderen Farben des Lichtspektrums.

Die Menge und die Zusammensetzung des Lichts, das in das Produkt gelangt, wirkt sich auf die Qualität der Substanzen in der Flasche und damit auch auf deren Haltbarkeit aus.

Plastic Bottles

What detail do you know about the Plastic tax and how does it affect your product?

The Plastic Packaging Tax, due to come into force in the UK on 1 April 2022, will apply a £200 per tonne tax on all liable plastic packaging components manufactured or imported into the UK from 1st April 2022 onwards.

There are specifically listed exemptions from HMRC whereby certain plastic components will not be subject to the tax, one of these exemptions applies to plastic packaging that is used for human medicinal products. HMRC’s guidance states that any plastic packaging imported or manufactured for the immediate packaging of licenced human medicinal products is exempt from the tax.

‘Immediate packaging’ is defined by HMRC as a container (or another form of packaging) which will be in direct contact with the medicinal product once it is produced and packed.

A medicinal product is defined as a product which is for use by people to:

  • Prevent or treat diseases
  • Restore, correct or modify a physiological function by exerting a pharmacological, immunological or metabolic action
  • Make a medical diagnosis

A medicinal product must be licenced by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency to count as a human medicinal product.

Origin Packaging Limited supplies packaging to the pharmaceutical industry which is manufactured to standards set out in the Human Medicines Regulations 2012, specifically for human medicinal use. This packaging should therefore be subject to the exemption under the Plastic Tax for human medicinal packaging and should not be carrying liability for the manufacturer of the packaging components which meet this exemption under the tax.

Origin Packaging is able to produce evidence of the customers supplied and their usage of this packaging to verify that it is indeed being used for the immediate packaging of human medicinal products and should therefore qualify for the tax exemption.

PET – Polyethylene Terephthalate, is a thermoplastic polymer resin. PET is transparent when heated and cured.  It is virtually unbreakable and requires a multi-stage production process to create packaging. It is widely used in healthcare, cosmetics, and food and beverage packaging.  Variants of PET include OPET, PETE, EPETE, PETG and PCTG.

PP – Polypropylene is a popular plastic used in a wide variety of packaging including flexible packaging and closures. PP has extremely strong barrier properties and is resistant to chemicals. Polypropylene is naturally translucent, but it can be produced in a solid opaque colour, or as a clear finish using a clarifying additive. PP is soft to the touch and is susceptible to scratching and scuff marks.  Polypropylene offers good barrier properties to oxygen transmission (OTR).

HDPE – High-Density Polyethylene has a high resistance to chemicals and moisture (MVTR) which makes it suitable for food packaging. HDPE is typically used in applications requiring a degree of resilience, the material is relatively hard and resistant to transit scuffs.  Despite the strength of HDPE it has low resistance to heat.  Elevated temperatures will reduce the stiffness of the plastic and cause it to become very soft.

LDPE – Low-Density Polyethylene carries many of the characteristics of the HDPE variant but is extremely flexible. LDPE is reasonably resistant to squeezing and impact and provides a good chemical and vapour barrier while being pliable.  Like HDPE it has poor temperature stability and poor gas and UV barriers. LDPE is translucent or opaque with a waxy or glossy sheen.

All of these basic polymers are used in pharmaceutical applications; however, the grade of material will differ from those used in other markets.  Licenced drug products are registered with a Drug Master File (DMF), ensuring only approved polymers tested with the drug are used to safely contain the product.

The selection of polymer for pharmaceutical packaging will depend on the intended regional market.  There are regulations and requirements specific to certain continents and these are encapsulated within pharmacopoeia, the most common of which are European (EUP), North American (USP), and Japanese (JP).

Some applications require special polymers to be used that will not react with sensitive drug products, for example, Cyclic Olefin Polymer COP

Sterilisation is the process of killing microorganisms (and their spores) from the plastic containers. Sterilisation is crucial for many applications.  We can advise you in selecting the best sterilisation process for your package, this may include autoclaving, exposure to ethylene oxide gas, or irradiation by gamma or e-beam.

Protecting children from poisons, active medicinal products as well as, household cleaners, tobacco products etc. is crucial. It is recommended to keep these types of products far from the reach of children, but this usually doesn’t work in practice as some children still manage to access them. This is where child-resistant (CR) packaging becomes effective. It ensures that children can’t open the containers and gain access to the products.

Child-resistant packaging is specifically designed to prevent children younger than 52 months from opening the packaging, yet must allow adults to gain access to the contents. Child-resistant packaging consists of safety mechanisms and physical barriers to prevent children from accessing toxic or harmful substances. There are specific test Standards that packaging must meet in order to constitute a child-resistant pack, these vary according to geographical market.

It is important to remember that regardless of the packaging design or the geographical market, a child-resistant pack is never ‘child-safe’. The packaging is intended to delay access.  The best prevention to accidental ingestion is to keep these products securely closed and out of sight and reach of children.


Is this packaging compatible with my product?

Different materials have different reaction to a range of medicines, applications, tablets and liquids.

Our packaging technologists will work alongside you to determine the best for our product, whether that is glass or plastic.

We have range of ‘complete packs’ that we can advise you on. We have a large range of bottles, jars that we have run compatibility test with a range of closures to ensure your product is safe.

We have also developed the Unopac and the Medopac which is CR compliant and compatible.

We have a large range of customers from all around the world. We would be happy to share testimonials and feedback from our loyal customer base.

We have a number if options that has both tamper evident and child resistant designs. Speak to our team of packaging technologists to establish the correct pack formation for your product.


Is the product UK manufactured?

We have invested in our in-house manufacturing facilities which allow us to be flexible. From our cleanroom production facility in East Yorkshire to our tooling and machinery we have invested in as part of our HP3 (Hybrid Pharma Packaging Partner network) based in Europe.

For many of our products, we are the manufacturer, particularly the pharmaceutical plastic bottle ranges we have in stock. If we do not produce it, we have got strategic partnerships and investments with packaging partners which allows us to deliver glass packaging to market at record speeds.


What does double walled mean?

Double-walled essentially means two-layer construction. Jars are produced in two separate parts that are mechanically assembled. There is an inner container and an outer shell – a jar within a jar.

Usually made of plastic and is a high-quality packaging option mainly used in the cosmetic industry. They usually have a glossy finish and wide mouth – a design that makes them ideal for personal care cream or powder products.

A double-walled jar also allows for a smaller capacity to stand out among higher capacity counterparts. Since the jar is made of two layers of plastic, it is generally made in white to give it a solid look.

A pipette bulb acts as a vacuum source for filling liquids through a pipette (glass or plastic) and helps to control the flow of liquid from the dropping bottle. They can be made from natural rubber or TPE (Thermoplastic elastomer). They are also available in butyl/nitrile blend, are very resilient and are used with products which may degrade other types of rubber.


A commodity code is a sequence of numbers made up of six, eight or ten digits, and determines customs duties and other charges levied on goods for import and export.

You can search UK Trade Info to find the right commodity code. You can also use the UK Trade Tariff tool to search for import and export commodity codes as well as the tax, duty and licenses that apply to goods.

We need commodity codes to help correctly declare our goods, which ensures that we pay the right amount of tax and duties, as well as helping us take advantage of any Customs benefits where relevant, such as duty suspension or preferential duty rates.



Tamper Evident (TE) and Child Resistant (CR) packaging consist of safety mechanisms and physical barriers to prevent children from accessing toxic or harmful substances. They are specially designed to make it difficult for children to open bottles, thus protecting children from poisons, active medicinal products as well as, household cleaners, tobacco products etc.

Dispensing volume is determined by the barrel size inside the neck of the bottle. We have a range of sizes available ranging from 0.2 ml to larger volumes.

Basically, anything that is harmful if consumed such as poisons, pharmaceutical or medicinal products as well as, household cleaners, tobacco products etc.

Liners are used in lids to cause a better seal and avoid leaks. Our R&D team is constantly looking for plastic-free or more environmentally friendly options such as silicone liners, which are more costly.

Some believe that Silicone is more environmentally friendly than plastic. It is made from silica, which is derived from sand, and manufacturing silicone does not involve mining for crude oil, which most plastics are made from. It is also more durable than plastic so it lasts longer. Silicone is recyclable but not biodegradable, however, it does not break down into micro-plastics either, which makes it ocean-friendly and less harmful than plastic.

One of the reasons why silicone is considered to be a good alternative to plastic is because it doesn’t contain the harmful chemicals we’ve become aware of that linger in plastic items, such as phthalates and BPA. Physically silicone has a better heat resistance and is considered to be non-toxic and safe for contact with food and drink. It is also considered a material of choice for essential oil-infused products, as glass and silicone are known not to react with essential oils.

Others argue that Silicone isn’t the most environmentally friendly material on the market, because producing silicone uses some types of hydrocarbons derived from petroleum, which isn’t sustainable. It’s difficult to recycle, and most facilities won’t accept it. With that said, silicone is a suitable alternative to plastic — it’s just not the best.

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